15 reasons why children SHOULD play Rugby Union
Getting kids off the sofa and onto the rugby pitch brings a wide variety of physical, mental and social skills which will bode well for them as they reach adulthood and beyond.
And obviously, we would say that. But in order to prove our point, we’ve compiled no less than 15 reasons why kids need to grow up playing rugby union.
1. Improve physical health
Forgive us for starting with the obvious, but rugby brings physical health benefits to anyone who takes to the field – and children are no different.
2. Develop social skills
Developing social skills is another huge part of parenting, and one that again needs to be developed at a young age if the benefits are to be reaped in the future.
3. They need to lose
Because it is character building, because it’s good practice for life, because he will get over it and he needs to know that.
. They need to win
Because it’s bonding, because it feels good, because he needs to know that there are rewards for effort.
5. Equal Opportunities
Unlike just about any other team sport, rugby is about all players having the same opportunity to run with the ball, pass the ball, and play defense.
6. Build self-esteem and confidence
Regularly engaging in sports can help subtly boost your child’s self-esteem. This happens as the child sets small goals on the field, such as perfecting a skill, and achieves them.
7. Learn valuable life-lessons
All sports have lessons that can be taken from the field and applied to real life. But rugby has lessons that can’t be found in any other game – we’re not talking about the standard generics of “teamwork” and “playing hard.” We’re talking about the preparation for life that can only be found on the rugby pitch.
8. Positive Role Models
It’s quite likely your kids will discover positive role models in coaches and older players
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